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Version 12.23.X - Module 8: Risk Management

This post details changes specific to Module 8, Risk Management.

Version 12.23.120

Risk Management - May contain PII/PHI: New. The notion of "May contain PII/PHI" has been added. The levels are defined in the General Parameters. A filter is now available in the following search screens: Risk Assessment, Active Hazard and in the Risk Management Dashboard. It allows to refine the search if the equipment type or equipment associated with the risk contains PII/PHI.

data/Omni-Assistant Team/2023/10/M8 - EN - PII-PHI Risk assessment search.png


data/Omni-Assistant Team/2023/10/M8 - EN - PII-PHI Hazard search.png


data/Omni-Assistant Team/2023/10/M8 - EN - PII-PHI Risk dashboard.png


Version 12.23.40

Risk Management - Homepage Counts: Bug Fix. The pending suggestion counts on the homepage now display the same results as in the risk assessment search screen with the corresponding filters.


This change log is a compilation of all changes made to Module 8: Risk Management between version 12.21.180 and 12.23.120