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Version 11.05.X - Module 9: Learning Management Software

This post details changes specific to Module 9, Learning Management Software.

Version 11.05.120

Learning Management System - Lesson: Bug fix. The lessons containing a public hyperlink now open the document.

Learning Management System - Lesson: Bug fix. In the lessons containing a long document name or public hyperlink, the text displayed in the lesson summary does not overlap the document name.

Learning Management System - Prerequisites: Bug fix. When there are prerequisites to a training and they are completed, the users correctly receive the training.

Learning Management System - Registrations: New. When a user has completed a training before it is created in the Omni-Assistant, it is possible to manually note it in the training registrations (field "Completed on:"). Thus, it will be marked in the Omni-Assistant as completed by the user.

Learning Management System - Training: Bug fix. When the "Automatic registration for new users" is selected in a training with prerequisites, it will be sent to users who have already completed the prerequisites.

Learning Management System - Training: Improvement. The choice of automated re-registration is not visible in the training's version 1. It is available in version 2. Once this one is activated, the automated re-registration choice is visible, but cannot be modified (grayed out field).

Version 11.05.40

Learning Management Software: Improvement. The display on mobile devices has been improved.

Learning Management Software: New. In the definition screens of training, evaluations, lessons, competencies and tags, a "Save and return" button has been added to the "Save" button.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: New. In the competency dashboard, "List" display mode, it is now possible to export the data in an Excel format.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: Improvement. Some modifications have been made to the competency dashboard, in "Grid" and also in "List" and "Mosaïc" display mode.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: Improvement. The competencies dashboard only takes into consideration active competencies.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: Improvement. The acquisition of a competency by a user is dated on the day the training is completed.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: Improvement. A competency is acquired as soon as a user completes a training. On the other hand, a certificate will be generated only once the training is approved by the instructor.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: Improvement. Departments / roles that have an inactive address are still listed in the competencies edit screen.

Learning Management Software - Competencies: Improvement. Competencies listed in the various dashboard screens of the Omni-Assistant, those of the LMS, competencies section are the active competencies.

Learning Management Software - Lessons: New. It is now possible, directly in a lesson, to include an URL link to a document or webinar.

Learning Management Software - Lessons: New. A document from the document management module linked to a lesson will be considered "read" if the lesson is completed by the user. Likewise, if the reading is done, for a document linked to a lesson, the lesson is considered as completed.

Learning Management Software - Lessons: Improvement. It is now possible to create a lesson from a document linked through a URL link.

Learning Management Software - Report: New. Two new reports are available in the Parameters / M9 section. Both can be exported in Excel format. The first one details the number of training hours per department / role. The second one details the number of training hours per user.

Learning Management Software - Trainings: Improvement. When searching for trainings, the grid display mode has been improved.

Learning Management Software - Trainings: Improvement. When a competency is inactivated, it is no longer visible in the user dashboard nor in the training details.

Learning Management Software - Trainings: Improvement. When creating a new version of a training, no new competency can be added.

Learning Management Software - Trainings: Improvement. When creating a training, in the "Links" tab, only the roles to which the training will be assigned will be shown, as in the training preview screen.

Learning Management Software - Trainings: Improvement. If there is no late date selected for a training, the "approve completions after the deadline" option has no incidence. No approval request will be sent.

Learning Management Software - Trainings: Improvement. The choice of the duration of the trainings is in hours or minutes. It cannot be modified once the training has been activated.

Learning Management Software - Certificate: Improvement. The logo of the system company as well as the length of the training are added on the certificate received when a training is completed.


This change log is a compilation of all changes made to Module 9: Learning Management Software, between version 10.01.20 and 11.05.120.