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Version 11.05.X - Module 12: Inspections and Audits

This post details changes specific to Module 12, Inspections and Audits.

Version 11.05.40

Inspections and Audits - Audit Event: Improvement. It is now possible to change the assignation of an audit event directly in the event edition screen.

data/Omni-Assistant Team/2019/6/M12 FR audit rev.png


Inspections and Audits - Audit Event: Improvement. The nomenclature for the selection of multiple tags has been adjusted when creating an audit event, as well as in an existing audit event.

Inspections and Audits - Audit Event: Improvement. In the web browser Internet Explorer, linking a ticket to a requirement can now be saved without any errors.

Inspections and Audits - Audit Event: Improvement. On the homepage, the audited department / role has been added to the audit title to better differentiate the audit events.

data/Omni-Assistant Team/2019/6/M12 FR page accueil rev.png


Inspections and Audits - Standards: Improvement. The display of a standard has been improved.


This change log is a compilation of all changes made to Module 12: Inspections and Audits, between version 10.01.20 and 11.05.40.